
Robotics is the intersection of science, engineering and technology that produces machines, called robots, that substitute for (or replicate) human actions. Pop culture has always been fascinated with robots.Robotics develops machines that can substitute for humans and replicate human actions. Robots can be used in many situations and for many purposes, but today many are used in dangerous environmentsmanufacturing processes, or where humans cannot survive.Robots can take on any form but some are made to resemble humans in appearance. This is said to help in the acceptance of a robot in certain replicative behaviors usually performed by people. Such robots attempt to replicate walking, lifting, speech, cognition, or any other human activity. Many of today's robots are inspired by nature, contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics.

WOLFOX Collaborated with Novatech Robo to Avail Robotic Education in Maharashtra

Collaboration & Asscociations

WOLFOX & Novatech Robo have collaborated with some leading organizations like ROBOFEST of Lawrence Technological University Michigan USA and RILE of University of West Florida, Pensacola USA. In addition to these 2 universities, Novatech Robo is also associated with other leading international organization in robotics like Defense Institute for Advance Training (Part of DRDO), ISpace California USA, Korean Robocare Company Ltd, University of Seoul and Sunggyunkwan University of Korea.

School Tie-Up

Workshops & Internship for Engeeniering Students
School level Tranning Program
Robotics Summer Camp
Weekend Workshop
One Day Workshops
School level compitions
Collage/Engeeniering Robotics Projects
Robo Champ Workshop
Distric Levle Robotics Compition

Let's Enquire

Tranning Enquire


    500+ teams from 20 Countries per day.

    From Symbolic International School,Shiroli Participated 5 Teams for "Robo Race"event held at Delhi.
    Two Tems in Winner Sqaud and got first prize for one team.

Let your kid create and command robots that walk, talk, think, explore, join the robotic revolution for change.

School Trannings Sections

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